Sorry, email way short. I am in Pärnu. I really have no time. I love it here. The members love me and I have missed them. We have a wedding and baptism planned for this Friday which is way exciting. I will try to write a lot more this week.
Elder Boyce
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Well hello,
Another week. Crazy. Well, there was a baptism this week. How freaking awesome!!! We had 9 investigators total at the baptism. It was such a huge success. Valdo was so excited. Harri was able to baptise him. He was so nervous as it was his first time, but he did amazing. We were proud. I got to do splits with the other elders this week and that was really fun. Switches my days up a little. We did service this week at an old ladys grave. We pulled all these plants of it, hoed it, put a tarp down, and covered it with sand. She was very grateful. haha. I had a blast. The weather has been so hot. But on Tuesday we were walking to the church and the clouds rolled in and just dumped on us. So me and Elder Elmer were just soaked through. We had to teach english like that too. It was really nice to have the cool down. Its been about 35 degrees here-warmer than Spain. All the Estonians are sure to tell as that. They like when they beat other countries at anything. haha. We found a new guy this week and he is awesome. We were teaching him a second and he just answered every question perfectly. So we are hoping ot meet him again and committ him. He was 3 deceased children and he liked the fact that he could see them again. The gospel is amazing. My sewing is, well, amazing. haha. I sewed a bag with a zipper. All my little projects I just give to random members here in Tartu. It is really cool for me. They love them too. I made a scripture case for one member and then just a bag for outside for another member. They were so excited. Now I am attempting a skirt. A girl said she couldn't come to church because she didn't have a skirt so my companion said I would make her one. We'll see how it goes. haha. You guys probably think I am so weird. haha. But I need to find something to entertain me at night. The Jakes-a missionary couple from Riiga-were up here this weekend. So they were able to see the baptism. Aftwerwards, they took us out to dinner which was way nice and way good. Then they spoke in sacrament and taught class. So all the missionaries were busy translating. It is so weird how everything is so clear to me, and so foreign to them. I understand it completely and they just thought it was jibbersih. The gift of tounges is real, and I possess it. Heavenly Father is the man!! Transfers are Wednesday and we hear tomorrow. I could very possible leave, but I really hope I don't. I feel like I have more to give to this branch. I love it so much here and I just don't want to leave. Plus I love being district leader. I love planning district meetings and holding them and just helping this branch. I feel like we are just starting to have alot of progress and I want to keep it that way. This place is like my baby...I can't let go. haha. But I know if I do have to leave, it is Gods will. And who would I be to mess with that right? We have been working with Joosep more. He is a 20 year old less active. We met with him last night and he is just lost. Its hard for him being a member here in Tartu and not having anyone his age. But he has a desire to serve a mission, so we are just going to try and help him with that. He would be amazing. We are losing an awesome couple here in the branch-another blow to Tartu. They are both going to Tallinn to study, so that is a bummer. Maris teaches us Estonian and Vend Crandall is an American-he served a mission here 5 years ago and married Maris-he is our first counselor and he just always has my back. So I am just way bummed about it, but again, Gods will. Well I am rambling on and on so I better close for the week. We get to go to the zoo today with Peeter and Kärt (my favorites). Kärt is leaving for America soon so it will probably be our last time. I made her a book cover for a going away present. I hope she likes it. Anyways. I love you!!! Until next week!! :)
Vanem Boyce
Another week. Crazy. Well, there was a baptism this week. How freaking awesome!!! We had 9 investigators total at the baptism. It was such a huge success. Valdo was so excited. Harri was able to baptise him. He was so nervous as it was his first time, but he did amazing. We were proud. I got to do splits with the other elders this week and that was really fun. Switches my days up a little. We did service this week at an old ladys grave. We pulled all these plants of it, hoed it, put a tarp down, and covered it with sand. She was very grateful. haha. I had a blast. The weather has been so hot. But on Tuesday we were walking to the church and the clouds rolled in and just dumped on us. So me and Elder Elmer were just soaked through. We had to teach english like that too. It was really nice to have the cool down. Its been about 35 degrees here-warmer than Spain. All the Estonians are sure to tell as that. They like when they beat other countries at anything. haha. We found a new guy this week and he is awesome. We were teaching him a second and he just answered every question perfectly. So we are hoping ot meet him again and committ him. He was 3 deceased children and he liked the fact that he could see them again. The gospel is amazing. My sewing is, well, amazing. haha. I sewed a bag with a zipper. All my little projects I just give to random members here in Tartu. It is really cool for me. They love them too. I made a scripture case for one member and then just a bag for outside for another member. They were so excited. Now I am attempting a skirt. A girl said she couldn't come to church because she didn't have a skirt so my companion said I would make her one. We'll see how it goes. haha. You guys probably think I am so weird. haha. But I need to find something to entertain me at night. The Jakes-a missionary couple from Riiga-were up here this weekend. So they were able to see the baptism. Aftwerwards, they took us out to dinner which was way nice and way good. Then they spoke in sacrament and taught class. So all the missionaries were busy translating. It is so weird how everything is so clear to me, and so foreign to them. I understand it completely and they just thought it was jibbersih. The gift of tounges is real, and I possess it. Heavenly Father is the man!! Transfers are Wednesday and we hear tomorrow. I could very possible leave, but I really hope I don't. I feel like I have more to give to this branch. I love it so much here and I just don't want to leave. Plus I love being district leader. I love planning district meetings and holding them and just helping this branch. I feel like we are just starting to have alot of progress and I want to keep it that way. This place is like my baby...I can't let go. haha. But I know if I do have to leave, it is Gods will. And who would I be to mess with that right? We have been working with Joosep more. He is a 20 year old less active. We met with him last night and he is just lost. Its hard for him being a member here in Tartu and not having anyone his age. But he has a desire to serve a mission, so we are just going to try and help him with that. He would be amazing. We are losing an awesome couple here in the branch-another blow to Tartu. They are both going to Tallinn to study, so that is a bummer. Maris teaches us Estonian and Vend Crandall is an American-he served a mission here 5 years ago and married Maris-he is our first counselor and he just always has my back. So I am just way bummed about it, but again, Gods will. Well I am rambling on and on so I better close for the week. We get to go to the zoo today with Peeter and Kärt (my favorites). Kärt is leaving for America soon so it will probably be our last time. I made her a book cover for a going away present. I hope she likes it. Anyways. I love you!!! Until next week!! :)
Vanem Boyce
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Talk I Gave In Estonian:)
Tere hommikust kallid venna ja õed. Mul on väga põnev täna rääkida. On väga palju misjonäre igal pool maailmas. Iga me õpime, me räägime, jutlustame, koputame ja õpetame - see on meie töö. Me proovime aidata inimestel tulla Jumalale lähemale. Me teame, et see on õige töö. Ja me proovime teha Jumala tahet. Kui me saame misjonäriks me õpime Misjonäride õppimiskeskuses. Seal me õpime, kuidas kuidas olla head misjonärid. Ma mäletan, et meie õpetajad ütlesid, et kõige tähtsam asi, mida me peame õpetama, on taastamine, et meie kirik on taastatud. See on see, mille poolest me erineme teistest. Nad ütlesid, et kui me räägime bussi peal või ukse peal või ükskõik kus, peame me rääkima taastamisest. ”Vii ta kiiresti taastamisele!” See on see, mida me teeme iga päev – me jutlustame taastamisest. Lisaks ütles meie esimene presidentkond, et: hoolimata sellest, keda sa õpetad või kus sa teenid, keskenda oma õpetus Jeesuse Kristuse evangeeliumi taastamisele. Issand õnistab teid, kui te õpetate taastamise sõnumit maailmale, mis vajab meelehetlikult Jeesuse Kristuse evangeeliumi.” Täna ma tahtsin rääkida taastamisest.
Tuhande kaheksasaja kahekümnendal aastal (1820) oli üks poiss. Tema nimi oli J.Smith. Ta oli neljateistkümne aastane ja oli väga usklik, nagu tema perekondki. Nad lugesid koos piiblit ja palvetasid koos. Ida osariikides valitses tollal suur usuline elevus – oli palju erinevaid kirikuid ja kõik ütlesid, et oma kirik oli õige. J. ütles ”erinevate usulahkude vahel oli nii palju segadust ja vaidlusi, et minusugusel noorel inimesel oli võimatu jõuda mingile kindlale otsusele, kellel oln õigus või kellel mitte”. J. ´i suur soov oli liituda õige kirikuga. Ta ütles ” ma küsisin tihti endalt, mida ma pean tegema? Millised neist kõikidest usulahkudest on õiged? Või on nad kõik eksiteel? Kui mõni neist on õige, siis milline see on ja kuidas ma seda teada saaksin? ” Otsides erinevate kirikute seast tõde, avas J. juhatuse saamiseks piibli. Ta luges Jakonuse raamatust peatükk 1, salm 5. Aga kui kellelgi teist on puudu tarkusest, see palugu Jumalalt, kes kõigile annab suisa ega tee etteheiteid ja siis antakse temale”. Ta mõtles sellest ja otsustas palvetada Jumalale ja paluda Jumalalt, mis kirik on õige. Ta läks kodust välja metsa. Ja laskus palvetamiseks põlvili. Ta sai uskumatu kogemuse. Ta kirjeldas:”nägin otse oma pea kohal valgusesammast, mis oli eredam päikesevalgusest ja laskus tasapisi, kuni langes minu peale. Valguse levides nägin ma enda kohal õhus seismas kahte isikut, kelle sära ja hiilgust on võimatu kirjeldada. Üks nendest pöördus minu poole, kutsused mind nimepidi ja osutas teisele ning ütles: ”see on minu armas poeg, kuula teda”. J. nägi Jumalat ja Jeesust. Päästja ütles J.-le, et ta ei liituks ühegi kirikuga, kuna nad kõik on eksiteel. Nad kutsusid J.-i prohvetiks ja tema kaudu rajati Jeesuse Kristuse Kirik maa peale. See kirik on Viimse aja pühade Jeesuse Kristuse kirik. Nad andsid J.-le preesterluse volituse, et ta võiks tegutseda Jumala nimel. See kirik on täpselt sama kirik, mille Jeesus rajas piiblis. Suurepärane, eks? Minule on!
Kuidas me saame öelda, et me oleme ainuke kirik maa peal, mis on õige? Me teame, et kui Jeesus oli maa peal, rajas ta on kiriku volitusega ja ta andis sama volituse oma kaheteistkümnele apostlile. Jeesus löödi risti ja need kaksteist apostlit tapeti või surid ja neil polnud võimalaust anda volitust edasi. Siis see tähtis volitus läks kaduma. Ja Jeesuse kirik muutus. ”Jutlusta minu evangeelumit” ütleb: kuigi paljud head inimesed uskusid Kristusesse ning püüdsid mõista ja õpetada tema evangeelumi ei olnud neil täit tõde ega preesterluse volitust, et ristida ja teha muid päästvaid talitusi. Nad olid saanud päranduseks ususttaganemise olukorra, kus igale põlvkonnale avaldas mõju eelnev põlvkond koos muudatustega õpetuste ja selliste talituste osas, nagu näiteks ristimine. Nagu Jumal oli toiminud Aadama, Noa, Abrahami, Moosese ja teiste prohvetite puhul, nii kutsus ta J. Smith´i prohvetiks, kelle kaudu taastati evangeelumi täius maa peal.
Me oleme praegu sakramendikoosolekul. Me vaatasime sakramendi õnnistusi Jeesuse volitusega. Üks ristimine tuleb varsti. Ja kui ta saab ristitud, on see volitusega. Meil on volitus Jumalalt. See tuleb taastamise kaudu. See on, miks me oleme erinevad – meil on prohvet ja ta juhatab meid volitusega. Meil on Mormoni raamat, see on tõlgitud volitusega.
Aga ära usu minu sõnu... Sa võid ise teada saada, et see on õige.
Mormoni raamatus viimane raamat on Morini. Moroni oli viimane prohvet selles raamatus ja oma viimases preatükis andis ta meile lubaduse: Vaata ma õhutan teid, et kui te loete neid asju, kui see on Jumala tarkus, et te peaksite neid lugema. Et te peaksite meeles kui halastav Issand on olud inimlastele Aadama loomisest, isegi kuni ajani mil te saate need asjad, te mõtiskleksite selle üle oma südames. Ja kui te saate need asjad. Ma õhutan teid, et te küsiksite Jumalalt, Igaveselt Isalt, Kristuse nimelt, kas need asjad ei ole mitte õiged; Ja kui te küsite siira südamega, kogu hingest, omades usku Kristusesse, ta teeb selle kohta ilmsiks tõe läbi Püha Vaimu võimu. Ja Püha Vaimu võimu läbi võite te teada tõde kõigist asjadest.
Te saate palvetada selle üle. Küsi Jumalalt, kas Viimse Aja Pühade Jeesuse Kristuse Kirik on ainuke õige kirik maa peal. Ja ma luban teile, et ta vastab teile. Ta ütleb: ”Jah, on küll!” Te saate teada kindlasti, sada protsenti, et see on õige. Vanem D. Hales ütles: ”järgi J. Smith´i näidet ja taastamise mustrit. Pöördu pühakirjade poole. Põlvita palvetamiseks. Küsi usuga. Kuula Püha Vaimu. Õpi, et sinu nimi ja vajadused on Taevasele Isale teada, nagu J. Smith- igi omad. Ela evangeelumi järgi kannatlikkuse ja püsivusega.
Ma tean, et Viimse Aja Pühade Jeesuse Kristuse Kirik on õige. Ja ma tean, et Jumal armastab meid väga ja ta tahab, et me elaksime õnnelikult. Ta tahab, et me naaseksime teama juurde jälle, et me saaksime elada temaga igavesti. Ta õnnistab meid, kui me järgime teda. Me oleme õnnistatud, kui me loeme pühakirju ja järgime Jeesuse näidet ja teeme häid asju. Ta on meie igavene sõber. Ma tean, et ta elab, et Jeesus on meie päästja ja ma tean, et me saame elada koos oma perekonnaga igavesti. Ma olen igavesti tänulik selle elu eest. Ma armastan teid! Ma olen tänulik, et ma olen siin, ja et mul on võimalus tõõtada koos teiega. Ma on tänulik et ma saan teenida eestis ja et ma sain tuutavaks teiega. Te olete väga tublid. Ma ütlen seda Jeesuse Kristuse nimel, aamen.
Tuhande kaheksasaja kahekümnendal aastal (1820) oli üks poiss. Tema nimi oli J.Smith. Ta oli neljateistkümne aastane ja oli väga usklik, nagu tema perekondki. Nad lugesid koos piiblit ja palvetasid koos. Ida osariikides valitses tollal suur usuline elevus – oli palju erinevaid kirikuid ja kõik ütlesid, et oma kirik oli õige. J. ütles ”erinevate usulahkude vahel oli nii palju segadust ja vaidlusi, et minusugusel noorel inimesel oli võimatu jõuda mingile kindlale otsusele, kellel oln õigus või kellel mitte”. J. ´i suur soov oli liituda õige kirikuga. Ta ütles ” ma küsisin tihti endalt, mida ma pean tegema? Millised neist kõikidest usulahkudest on õiged? Või on nad kõik eksiteel? Kui mõni neist on õige, siis milline see on ja kuidas ma seda teada saaksin? ” Otsides erinevate kirikute seast tõde, avas J. juhatuse saamiseks piibli. Ta luges Jakonuse raamatust peatükk 1, salm 5. Aga kui kellelgi teist on puudu tarkusest, see palugu Jumalalt, kes kõigile annab suisa ega tee etteheiteid ja siis antakse temale”. Ta mõtles sellest ja otsustas palvetada Jumalale ja paluda Jumalalt, mis kirik on õige. Ta läks kodust välja metsa. Ja laskus palvetamiseks põlvili. Ta sai uskumatu kogemuse. Ta kirjeldas:”nägin otse oma pea kohal valgusesammast, mis oli eredam päikesevalgusest ja laskus tasapisi, kuni langes minu peale. Valguse levides nägin ma enda kohal õhus seismas kahte isikut, kelle sära ja hiilgust on võimatu kirjeldada. Üks nendest pöördus minu poole, kutsused mind nimepidi ja osutas teisele ning ütles: ”see on minu armas poeg, kuula teda”. J. nägi Jumalat ja Jeesust. Päästja ütles J.-le, et ta ei liituks ühegi kirikuga, kuna nad kõik on eksiteel. Nad kutsusid J.-i prohvetiks ja tema kaudu rajati Jeesuse Kristuse Kirik maa peale. See kirik on Viimse aja pühade Jeesuse Kristuse kirik. Nad andsid J.-le preesterluse volituse, et ta võiks tegutseda Jumala nimel. See kirik on täpselt sama kirik, mille Jeesus rajas piiblis. Suurepärane, eks? Minule on!
Kuidas me saame öelda, et me oleme ainuke kirik maa peal, mis on õige? Me teame, et kui Jeesus oli maa peal, rajas ta on kiriku volitusega ja ta andis sama volituse oma kaheteistkümnele apostlile. Jeesus löödi risti ja need kaksteist apostlit tapeti või surid ja neil polnud võimalaust anda volitust edasi. Siis see tähtis volitus läks kaduma. Ja Jeesuse kirik muutus. ”Jutlusta minu evangeelumit” ütleb: kuigi paljud head inimesed uskusid Kristusesse ning püüdsid mõista ja õpetada tema evangeelumi ei olnud neil täit tõde ega preesterluse volitust, et ristida ja teha muid päästvaid talitusi. Nad olid saanud päranduseks ususttaganemise olukorra, kus igale põlvkonnale avaldas mõju eelnev põlvkond koos muudatustega õpetuste ja selliste talituste osas, nagu näiteks ristimine. Nagu Jumal oli toiminud Aadama, Noa, Abrahami, Moosese ja teiste prohvetite puhul, nii kutsus ta J. Smith´i prohvetiks, kelle kaudu taastati evangeelumi täius maa peal.
Me oleme praegu sakramendikoosolekul. Me vaatasime sakramendi õnnistusi Jeesuse volitusega. Üks ristimine tuleb varsti. Ja kui ta saab ristitud, on see volitusega. Meil on volitus Jumalalt. See tuleb taastamise kaudu. See on, miks me oleme erinevad – meil on prohvet ja ta juhatab meid volitusega. Meil on Mormoni raamat, see on tõlgitud volitusega.
Aga ära usu minu sõnu... Sa võid ise teada saada, et see on õige.
Mormoni raamatus viimane raamat on Morini. Moroni oli viimane prohvet selles raamatus ja oma viimases preatükis andis ta meile lubaduse: Vaata ma õhutan teid, et kui te loete neid asju, kui see on Jumala tarkus, et te peaksite neid lugema. Et te peaksite meeles kui halastav Issand on olud inimlastele Aadama loomisest, isegi kuni ajani mil te saate need asjad, te mõtiskleksite selle üle oma südames. Ja kui te saate need asjad. Ma õhutan teid, et te küsiksite Jumalalt, Igaveselt Isalt, Kristuse nimelt, kas need asjad ei ole mitte õiged; Ja kui te küsite siira südamega, kogu hingest, omades usku Kristusesse, ta teeb selle kohta ilmsiks tõe läbi Püha Vaimu võimu. Ja Püha Vaimu võimu läbi võite te teada tõde kõigist asjadest.
Te saate palvetada selle üle. Küsi Jumalalt, kas Viimse Aja Pühade Jeesuse Kristuse Kirik on ainuke õige kirik maa peal. Ja ma luban teile, et ta vastab teile. Ta ütleb: ”Jah, on küll!” Te saate teada kindlasti, sada protsenti, et see on õige. Vanem D. Hales ütles: ”järgi J. Smith´i näidet ja taastamise mustrit. Pöördu pühakirjade poole. Põlvita palvetamiseks. Küsi usuga. Kuula Püha Vaimu. Õpi, et sinu nimi ja vajadused on Taevasele Isale teada, nagu J. Smith- igi omad. Ela evangeelumi järgi kannatlikkuse ja püsivusega.
Ma tean, et Viimse Aja Pühade Jeesuse Kristuse Kirik on õige. Ja ma tean, et Jumal armastab meid väga ja ta tahab, et me elaksime õnnelikult. Ta tahab, et me naaseksime teama juurde jälle, et me saaksime elada temaga igavesti. Ta õnnistab meid, kui me järgime teda. Me oleme õnnistatud, kui me loeme pühakirju ja järgime Jeesuse näidet ja teeme häid asju. Ta on meie igavene sõber. Ma tean, et ta elab, et Jeesus on meie päästja ja ma tean, et me saame elada koos oma perekonnaga igavesti. Ma olen igavesti tänulik selle elu eest. Ma armastan teid! Ma olen tänulik, et ma olen siin, ja et mul on võimalus tõõtada koos teiega. Ma on tänulik et ma saan teenida eestis ja et ma sain tuutavaks teiega. Te olete väga tublid. Ma ütlen seda Jeesuse Kristuse nimel, aamen.
Hello Again!
Well Hello again,
Weeks go so fast. Its so crazy to me. haha. To start off I have been leaving our house keys everywhere. My head is just so full of other things. I left them at the bus stop on Monday right on the steps. We got all the way home and I realized it. Luckily when we got back they were still there. But it was an hour of time just wasted. I hate that. Then on Friday we were going home and we got to the apartment and I realized I left the keys in the teaching center....this day also happened to be my 1 year mark in Estonia. So I just took us out to lunch. I felt bad for forgetting the keys again. Now my comp carries the keys and i'm not allowed...but I am okay with that. haha. On Sunday I got to do my first baptismal interview...all in Estonian. Thee man..Valdo..passed with flying colors and he will be baptized this next Saturday. He was so excited when the branch president announced it in Sacrament. I also spoke sunday in sacrament. I prepared a talk in Estonian. Thats another one of those moments when I am just in awe of myself. haha. It was like 10 mintues too. I threw it down about how we are the only church with authority. I never realized before the mission how important authority is. But it was really cool to get to speak. So that is all the coolness from my week. We are still finging and teaching and sweating on busses. haha. But it is all good. I love it. So I will talk to you next week. I love you. I have attatched my talk...jsut so you can see it and be proud. haha. Sorry this is short this week. oh well.
Elder Boyce
Weeks go so fast. Its so crazy to me. haha. To start off I have been leaving our house keys everywhere. My head is just so full of other things. I left them at the bus stop on Monday right on the steps. We got all the way home and I realized it. Luckily when we got back they were still there. But it was an hour of time just wasted. I hate that. Then on Friday we were going home and we got to the apartment and I realized I left the keys in the teaching center....this day also happened to be my 1 year mark in Estonia. So I just took us out to lunch. I felt bad for forgetting the keys again. Now my comp carries the keys and i'm not allowed...but I am okay with that. haha. On Sunday I got to do my first baptismal interview...all in Estonian. Thee man..Valdo..passed with flying colors and he will be baptized this next Saturday. He was so excited when the branch president announced it in Sacrament. I also spoke sunday in sacrament. I prepared a talk in Estonian. Thats another one of those moments when I am just in awe of myself. haha. It was like 10 mintues too. I threw it down about how we are the only church with authority. I never realized before the mission how important authority is. But it was really cool to get to speak. So that is all the coolness from my week. We are still finging and teaching and sweating on busses. haha. But it is all good. I love it. So I will talk to you next week. I love you. I have attatched my talk...jsut so you can see it and be proud. haha. Sorry this is short this week. oh well.
Elder Boyce
Monday, July 5, 2010
Happy 4th!!
I hope the fourth of July was fun for all of you. We spent it at Tiinas house. She is a member and we helped her move into her new place on Friday so we had a party there with some of her friends. We ate pizza and mashed potatos. Really good. haha. This week has been a really good one. We have been working with a less active named Mart and he is now coming to church regularly and willing to teach with us. So I was talking to Vend Lutt and he mentioned how he lives in Marts same building and he couldn't believe how much Mart has changed. He said 'I don't know why, or how he has changed but he just wants to be better now and go to church and help missionaries.' So our work wiht him is really paying off. We are also working with a kid named Joosep. He is about 21. He's now way active but I think he is starting to come around. It is really hard to be an active young male in the church in Estonia. There just aren't that many around here. So he has sturggled a bit. But he wants to be better. He came to church yesterday and wants to teach with us today, so that is awesome for us to here. He wants to prepare to go back to the temple and I hope he can just keep this drive for right now. We spent a day looking for a new teaching center and that was really fun. I was talking real Estonian. I can't fathom that I am doing that. haha. But we found a really cool place right in the main square. So I hope it works out. We also started to english classes this week. I love teaching the english classes and at first they think we are so weird in white shirts and being missionaries. But they warm up. So its really fun. I really look forward to it. We taught Marja this week. She just called out of the blue and wanted to talk about the Book of Mormon. So we went over and she made us chocoloate covered strawberries and snacks. She has a wall covered in things she has learned about the book of Mormon, but she will not be baptized. I just think she is confused. She gave me so baby socks for my kid when I have one. It was pretty nice. She made them herself. haha. It was fun. So the coolest news. Yesterday was fast Sunday. So all the members were bearing their testimonys and then Kerli got up. She talked about how much this church has changed her and how much she has learned and grown. How 'her missionaries' have taught her so much and that she knows this is the only true church!! I was so impressed. I felt like a proud dad watching their kid graduate school or something. It was really cool. Amazing. So worth it. Well all for now. Until next week.
Elder Boyce
I hope the fourth of July was fun for all of you. We spent it at Tiinas house. She is a member and we helped her move into her new place on Friday so we had a party there with some of her friends. We ate pizza and mashed potatos. Really good. haha. This week has been a really good one. We have been working with a less active named Mart and he is now coming to church regularly and willing to teach with us. So I was talking to Vend Lutt and he mentioned how he lives in Marts same building and he couldn't believe how much Mart has changed. He said 'I don't know why, or how he has changed but he just wants to be better now and go to church and help missionaries.' So our work wiht him is really paying off. We are also working with a kid named Joosep. He is about 21. He's now way active but I think he is starting to come around. It is really hard to be an active young male in the church in Estonia. There just aren't that many around here. So he has sturggled a bit. But he wants to be better. He came to church yesterday and wants to teach with us today, so that is awesome for us to here. He wants to prepare to go back to the temple and I hope he can just keep this drive for right now. We spent a day looking for a new teaching center and that was really fun. I was talking real Estonian. I can't fathom that I am doing that. haha. But we found a really cool place right in the main square. So I hope it works out. We also started to english classes this week. I love teaching the english classes and at first they think we are so weird in white shirts and being missionaries. But they warm up. So its really fun. I really look forward to it. We taught Marja this week. She just called out of the blue and wanted to talk about the Book of Mormon. So we went over and she made us chocoloate covered strawberries and snacks. She has a wall covered in things she has learned about the book of Mormon, but she will not be baptized. I just think she is confused. She gave me so baby socks for my kid when I have one. It was pretty nice. She made them herself. haha. It was fun. So the coolest news. Yesterday was fast Sunday. So all the members were bearing their testimonys and then Kerli got up. She talked about how much this church has changed her and how much she has learned and grown. How 'her missionaries' have taught her so much and that she knows this is the only true church!! I was so impressed. I felt like a proud dad watching their kid graduate school or something. It was really cool. Amazing. So worth it. Well all for now. Until next week.
Elder Boyce
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